Children who are presented for St. Francis de Sales First Reconciliation and/or First Communion programs must have attended religious education classes for the full year previous to the year in which they are to be prepared for these Sacraments. Attendance the previous year must have been`either here or in another parish program. In other words, a child in second grade who is presented as a candidate for First Communion must have attended religious education classes during his or her full first grade year. The reason for this policy is as follows: Religious education, like any other form of education, is a cumulative process; i.e., one grade level presumes and builds on another previous level. Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, or any Sacrament, is not an isolated reality, but one that is included within the context of an ongoing and consistent process of religious education and formation. For further information, please contact the Director of Religious Education (Preschool-6).